The Connecticut Secretary of State has issued notice that, beginning January 1, 2012, all annual reports must be filed online per Public Act 11-146. Entities can no longer mail their reports unless they have received a written waiver from CT Secretary of State.
The first year of Mandatory Online Filing, customers will be sent reminder postcards. After that, all notification will be by email. Therefore, CT SOS requires an email address be submitted on your annual report filing.
Accumera LLC realizes this may cause additional work or logistics problems for your firm/entity. Therefore, we are reminding you that Accumera LLC can perform this filing for you. We only need the company details and a listing any changes that need to be made. If you are not sure of what is currently on file, we can obtain a corporate printout for you.
Annual reports should be filed in the anniversary month of the entity. If you are unsure of what month that is, Accumera LLC will be happy to obtain that information for you.