Massachusetts – Electronic Certificates Available

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Corporations Division has recently commenced offering electronic versions of the following documents: -Domestic Profit Corporations - Good Standing, Short Legal Existence*, Dissolution -Foreign Corporations - Good Standing*, Registration(Short Legal Existence)*, Revocation, Withdrawal -Non Profit Corporations -

Pennsylvania Decennial Reports

Pennsylvania has created a decennial report (previously there were no reports due to the state). Decennial filings are filed every ten years. The decennial report is intended to require entities to identify business names or marks that are no longer

New York – Apostilles and Authentications

Effective July 28, 2010 the New York Department of State implemented the following revisions to all apostilles and authentications issued by the New York State Department. FIRST, Revised Seal - The New York State Department of State Seal will be used for the apostille

New York – Dissolutions

Effective October 1, 2009 the New York Business Corporation Law and Not-for-Profit Corporation Law have been amended regarding the procedures for filing Certificates of Dissolution with the Department of State. All Certificates of Dissolution for corporations that have done business in