DISCLAIMER: This online order form, known as the “CTA Compliance Filing Tool” (hereinafter referred to as the “Tool”), is designed to facilitate users in filing reports or forms in accordance with the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). By using this Tool, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms outlined in this disclaimer:

Purpose of Information: The content provided by the Tool, including guidance for filing requirements, detailed explanations, and any associated material, is intended solely for informational purposes. It does not constitute legal advice nor is it meant to substitute for professional legal counsel. This Tool is not a replacement for personalized legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances and compliance needs.

No Legal Relationship: Utilizing the Tool does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the provider of this Tool, nor does it impose any obligation on the provider to offer legal representation or advice in any legal matters.

User Responsibility: Users of the Tool are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and relevance of the information provided in relation to their specific situations. Users should exercise their own judgment and are advised to consult with legal professionals when making decisions based on the Tool’s information, particularly for complex or nuanced CTA compliance issues.

Limitation of Liability: The provider of the Tool, along with its affiliates, directors, employees, agents, and representatives, will not be liable for any charges, costs, damages, losses, or other liabilities arising from the use of or reliance on the information provided by the Tool. This includes any potential errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or misunderstandings related to the CTA, its filing requirements, or legal principles.

Updates on Laws and Regulations: While the Tool aims to provide up-to-date information, it may not always reflect the most current legal or regulatory changes in real-time. Users should verify that they are using the latest legal information and are encouraged to consult with a legal professional to ensure full compliance with current legal and regulatory standards.