Federal Tax ID

If you are planning on forming a new company or have just formed one you will most likely need a Employer Identification Number (EIN). Also known as a Federal Tax ID Number your EIN is the corporate equivalent of your social security number. It is required if you intend to hire employees, open a bank account or file a tax return.

With new rules being enforced by the IRS in the issuance of new EIN’s it has become more difficult to obtain them. The new rules are as follows:

  • Limiting of the number of Employer Identification Number’s that a responsible party can obtain in a day to just one
  • If the responsible party obtaining the number is an company and obtained its EIN online it cannot be obtained online for the new EIN
  • In some cases requiring that you submit copies of your formation documents to the IRS for them to review before they will issue your EIN


Accumera will take the hassle out of the process for you. We will obtain your EIN either electronically, via phone or fax. You will not need to deal with the IRS or spend time on hold. Further, we will prepare the required SS-4 application for Employer Identification Number and provide it to you for your records.

Contact us now to place your order or for more information on the process.